Bringing Ease & Flow to Your Business 

Helping Busy Mums Build & Scale their Service-Based Business Using their very unique Human Design Blueprint 
Changing the way we do business, one client at a time.

As a Mum of 5 with no#6 on the way, i know how important it is to build a business around my lifestyle and not the other way around.

For years i was told that i needed to do that.... step into this...

and none of yet ever sat right with me. 

The world tells us that you need to be a certain person to be successful or there is only one way to build a business - but I'm here to say "screw that" and a one size approach is not the road anyone needs to be heading down 

When you Mix Business & Human Design together it teaches us that we are all unique and that how one person reaches success is not going to be the same for another

Imagine having the Instruction Manual for your most Successful, Happiest self. 

A Blueprint to show you how you can show up in the world of Life and Business and be the success you've always dreamed of being 

Would you take it?

When we bring Business and Human Design together we are able to recognize our true gifts and traits, so that you can be the soul you came here to be, to do the things you came here to do. 

I'm here to help you get back to your true self and build a successful business without any of the bullsh*t 

If you're interested in creating and scaling your business, getting results you never thought possible, and doing it in a way that sits right with your soul click the button below to 

Money is the Side Effect of doing what we love. & loving what we do..

Michele Shepard Coy 
"Money Mindset Coach"

After joining Anna, Michele has never looked back. She was able to transition out from her book keeping Job into Fulltime Coaching calling in over 20k in only a few short months and being nominated for entrepreneur of the year 2021.
- Christine Alyse 
Subconcious release Practitioner 
- Kellie Hoffman
Womens Empowernment Coach
- Gail Carmody
Coaching for Healthcare
- Candice Benham
Mindset Coach for Women
- Samantha Grider 
Life Coach
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